I’ve recently predicted it’s going to be the year of Nora Roberts
for me…I’m continuing with that statement and have been delving into a few of
her book series.
The “In
the Garden” series is about 3 women who come together through circumstance
and choice. The book portrays strong women who stand on their own, yet come to depend
on each other through a mutual mystery involving The Harper Bride. There is a plethora
of paranormal, a touch of intrigue and mayhem, and an ancestry, history, floriculture
and botany lesson – all rolled into 3 books that tell a tale revolving around
the coming together of these women at the Harper House estate, and
subsequently, fusing together over womanhoods, motherhood and strength.
In the first book we are introduced to possible romantic
partners and you basically know how each of those storylines end…one of the
downsides to why I stepped away from romances and am only now delving back in,
but they have to have something more, side story that peaks my interest and
keeps it. It’s pleasant to walk through the paths all the characters take on
these side journeys… it’s nice to see how all the relationships in the books
bud, are nurtured, grow and blossom into the ultimate goal of every romance
novel – love.
I think a series – be it book, movies, mini or TV, succeeds
when the storylines you've been engrossed in over the course of story, be it
book or movies, come full circle and yet you are left still wanting more. You
want to see where these characters go, how their stories blossom and grown, and
to see what happens next.
Success for a fictional writer today comes if you can see
the story come to life - if you can picture it as a movie, mini-series, television
or online series. So many wonderful movies and show have come from existing
In order to achieve this, you have to have engaging and
endearing characters who are multi-dimensional and possess identifiable
personalities – whether they be friend or foe; believable plot twists – even if
the books are fantasy fiction; and a storyline and some events that may be “a
tale as old as time” and echoing with familiar scenes and plausible outcomes
but still surprises the reader.
I’ve just started reading Nora Roberts - although I’ve been
a fan or J.D. Robb for a couple of years now and have gone right through over
40 novels and novellas on the Eve Dallas – In Death series. She is a master at
blending romance, a bit of suspense, twists & turns and characters who you
come to love and are engrossing and fully formed.
If you are a book lover and haven’t had the fortune to spend
time and enjoy Nora Roberts (or
J.D. Robb) books for yourself…I suggest
you start.