Saturday, March 31, 2012

Imagine all the possibilities


John Lennon had it right on the nose!
“Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...”

Can YOU Imagine this?

And even with his messages of Love and Peace and Justice, he still met an untimely end – for no reason.

Don’t get me wrong - I have lots of stuff. I like my stuff. I have been going (SLOWLY) through my stuff to weed out the stuff I no longer need, want or use. I have so much stuff that I have storage that I shell out a few shillings a month for. AND I have stuff at my parents place back East (there will be later posts on this topic).
So, the Mega Millions jackpot rose to over $640 MILLION DOLLARS…I was part of the hubbub and anticipation. I spent approximately $40 – in personal plays and one group for $20 a pop per person…I think the group won $6 in all $160 worth of tickets & I won about $16. That was me thinking of the possibilities and what I would do with any kind of boatload of money like that…for me, for my family, for my friends, for mankind…

A friend asked me what I would do with it – we got it down to $3 million (this is what I’d be left with after the immediate family split which is a given & will not change)…it came down to this without much thought…
  • Pay off bills
  • Give to charities (10% is the number he came up with…the average tithing percentage I guess)
  • Buy a new car – most likely a Hybrid (and, fix my convertible for drives up the Coast)
  • Buy a house
  • Give my boss 3 months notice to find someone to take my place & to train them
  • And then go searching without worry & stress about my daily life – for what I am meant to do with it.
That was all I came up with in a few short moments.

What would you do? Imagine all the possibilities.

I know that lots of celebrities give & give…monetary donations, their time, their “brand”, their heart, and sometimes it seems like their soul. I know they work hard & that they give so much of themselves to be in the position they are in…their lives nowadays are really open books…EVERYTHING they do, what they say, how they act, how they react, what they wear, who they date, who they marry, etc. – even their children aren’t safe from the scrutiny. BUT, (yes, there is ALWAYS a but…) – do they REALLY need to have 10 cars, 20 carat stones, mansions with 5 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms, and have their children’s wardrobes be worth enough to feed a small country, keep music AND sports in schools, or pay off the national debt?
And most of us today feed into that hysteria and help engorge it. Social media, reality shows, pop culture, mega movies, pop icons, etc. We ALL helped them get to where they are…Every time we buy a magazine, click on a link, long for the next big gizmo, or even turn on the TV – we are encouraging this.

I do. I’m not innocent. But, I have my limits and my conscience goes into overdrive sometimes with the crap that no one really needs to know about.
I know lots of talented and special people, and I can’t help wonder WHY some people famous when they have no discerning skills or talents (yes, more posts on that later).

I’m all about possibilities…some people say I am a dreamer - that my expectations in the possibilities are too high - that I’m a “Pollyanna”. And I say, “Why not? It’s better than the alternative.”

Imagine the possibilities. Imagine what one person can do. Can you be that person who does something extraordinary that has meaning and can change the world? Can you?
I know I’m contradicting myself from my last post – because I said that if I had stylists & nutritionists, etc. that I would be “FABULOUS”….but what good would that really do?

Ghandi said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
That is an inspiring statement. Be the change YOU want to see in the matter what "your world" consists of...your daily life, your city, your country, the planet Earth, the stars, the moon, outer space - Imagine All The Possibilities.

So, here I am, putting action to his words. It’s not much, but it’s what I can do in this moment, in this time, and with the power I currently possess.

Today, a gal who works part-time for us mentioned an organization she does volunteer work for – I immediately felt like I had to do what I could to help out – so I asked her for the information & immediately looked up the organization - Caridad – Humanizing the Homeless.
There is homelessness throughout the USA, and in San Diego its prevalence is profoundly visual. Since we are a military town, I look at the homeless men and women, and think that they most likely once defended this country and look where they are now.

The next time you’re in your favorite store, pick up an extra pack of socks, t-shirts, bras & underwear – you can send donations via PayPal or visit the website for more information.
4750 Mission Gorge Place
San Diego. CA 92120

Thank you for listening and reading.


  1. That must have been some good doobage!!!!

  2. <3 I started a local Freecycle chapter for pretty much the same reasons. Love your writing, keep at it!

  3. You are a very talented writer. Thoughly enjoy your writings. Good luck much love heading your way.
    You know who. :)


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