One place I had to pause was when Oprah was talking about Energy. I had a conversation with someone a month or so ago about Energy. I believe the conversation started about the belief in destiny and a belief in a higher power and God…
So I asked, “Well, do you agree that we are all energy? That everything is made of energy – the trees, a pen, a rock, clouds, animals, people, a blade of grass, everything?”
He didn’t agree 100% or disagree, and then the conversation just petered out.
On the last show, Oprah talked about energy & a quote that truly inspired her from one of her guests, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, author of My Stroke of Insight, which I got for my Nook that night, and the next day it was at Barnes & Noble in the final sale stacks. Talk about Synchronicity! I started to read it again last night and am about half-way through.
The quote that Oprah has in her dressing room, in her homes, and at her companies…
“Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space.”
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
As part of the segment, Oprah said, “You are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself, and you are responsible for the energy that you bring to others."
I agree whole-heartedly with this statement. I have become more aware of when the energy I’m creating has shifted and I’m feeling weighed down & my “vibes” feel clumped together, stagnant and unmoving - how I’m using it, what vibes and signals I’m sending out and if it needs adjusting.
I’ve also become more cognizant of others’ energy and how I let it affect me. I’ve actually left rooms when the perception I am getting was that the energy that was enveloping me was negative.
Of course, I have to pause for a moment and do a quick self-assessment to see if the negativity is emanating from me or coming to me from another source. If I am getting a negative vibe or the energy around me seems to be pushing me down – I leave for a few minutes, take a time out for me, shake it off and then return.
When I was skulking around the Internet looking for different thoughts on everything being energy, I came across this information from the website LifeTrainings.
“Socrates said that energy, or soul, is separate from matter, and that the universe is made of energy – pure energy which was there before man and other material things like the earth came along.
However at the end of the seventeenth century Newtonian physics became the corner-stone of science, and it was based on the theory that there is only matter and nothing else – the whole universe is a machine, made of matter, and so are we. Medical science is still stuck in the Newtonian concept, even though the rest of science has now moved on to quantum physics.”
I know, this is all about quantum physics and anyone who knows me knows that I am not a science buff. But, I do love The Big Bang Theory.
So, my belief is a marrying of the two ideas – everything is made up of matter, but has its own energy that is always moving and changing, has positive and negative charges, and is ever evolving.
So, when you are feeling the energy and vibrations you are giving out, and what is coming back to you is out of synch and not light and positive - get up, move, shake out your energy, open up and change your thoughts on how you are feeling, and why you are perceiving things the way you are.
If people take responsibility for the energy that is within them and coming from them, then there would be a shift and we’d be surrounded by positive energy and light. Then maybe, just maybe there would be a chain reaction from one source to the next and when our electronic waves meet, there will be a synchronistic envelopment surrounding us with Positivity, Tranquility, Optimism, and Peace.
I do agree with the "Energy you bring" concept. I too am very aware of my energy and how it effect others. Not sure if this is due to being a teacher or overall awareness of my own crankiness. I am also very blunt and when I am with people who are sucking energy from a room I have a go to statement; "You need to say something positive or I will have to leave". Sounds bad, but there you have it. AS far as the Newtonian concept and quantum physics, I couldn't tell you about either, except that Big Bang Theory is an awesome show.