Thursday, January 9, 2014


I just came to the realization last night while sitting all snuggled up on my parents’ couch that one of the key reasons I come back to Massachusetts every year, in the winter, is so I can hibernate – at least for a few weeks.  I’m truly an East Coast Girl even though I have lived in SoCal for almost 20 years.

Yes. Spending quality time with my parents definitely factors into the equation – as well as seeing the rest of my family & some friends during the holidays.
BUT, I don’t feel very guilty when I hunker down in the house and do, well, nothing. I go to bed late, sleep late, don’t take a shower every day and sometimes even stay in my PJs all day. I watch “Jeopardy” every night (the one time of the day when NO ONE calls because they know what time it is and that Jeani won’t pick up the phone) & watch TV programs I don’t regularly watch because those are the staples of my parents’ schedule. I see friends while I’m here, usually only once, sometimes not at all.

In San Diego, if I don’t putter around at least on the weekends and get out of the house – then I somehow feel bad for not going out – like I should be ashamed not to take advantage of the sunshine & beauty of where I live - at least taking a ride…unless it’s overcast, cloudy & rainy.
Even though I haven’t been working for 9 months, I still needed a break…from everyday life. Those little worries you have – the errands that have to be run, the house that needs to be organized, the laundry that needs washing, the cleaning that shouldn’t wait yet another day.

It’s worked out quite well this time…especially this year with all the extra crazy weather we’ve been experiencing across the country and the issues with the airlines. It’s actually been an added bonus because I can use it as an excuse NOT to leave the house and no one has given me a hard time.
But sadly, it’s time to plan on getting back to reality…even if it’s to Southern California. I’ve taken my holiday and enough of a breather from my everyday life and now I must concentrate on finding my next work gig because no one in the family has won the lottery yet – so my dream of paying off my bills and bumming around for a year trying to find my bliss will just have to wait.

People used to ask me if I went to the beach all the time…I told them, “No. I work for a living.” It really doesn’t matter where you live for the most part - you do the same thing as all your friends and relatives…just someplace else.  We work, do errands, go to school, shop, cook, go to the movies, read, schlep kids around, have doctor’s appointments, visit friends…just the locale is different.

So, as I prepare to go back to “America’s Finest City” and am already feeling the heartbreak that comes from leaving “home”, I know I’ve had my siesta and it’s time to come out of the cave, take a stretch and walk out into the sunshine and take a coastal ride with the top down.

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